Skin in the Game

Nassim Taleb
Pages: 236
Date Started: August 18, 2019
Date Finished: August 24, 2019
7h 58m 33s
Reason Book was Chosen:
I read two of Taleb's books as part of my 2018 reading list. I learned a lot and thought his books were hilarious. This is his most recent book and I'm looking forward to reading it.

My Thoughts

This one was a challenge for me. I loved it, but boy, it was grueling. Great ideas, new ways of thinking about everyday occurrences, and hilarious, snarky jabs at people whose ideas he dislikes.

The basic idea is that if you are going to benefit from a situation, there should be proportional risk. For example, if you lead your country into war with Iraq, there should be appropriate skin in the game. It also means that you do not listen to what people sa but rather to what they do.

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