Dr. Jagdish Sheth

Emory University Professor Dr. Jagdish Sheth Shares his Favorite Authors

Dr. Jagdish Sheth

I asked Dr. Jagdish Sheth for a list of the 10 books or authors that had influenced him the most during his life. Not only is he unbelievably well-read, he is the author of numerous books. Dr. Sheth is a world-renown Professor at Emory University in Atlanta, GA and teaches on consumer psychology, branding strategy, marketing and geopolitics. Here are the authors and books that have influenced him the most. As he mentioned “As you can see I like historical scholarly books or books that are on future trends.”

Theory Of Human Motivation

1. Abraham Maslow

Book: A Theory of Human Motivation


2. John Naisbitt

Book: Megatrends

The Effective Executive

3. Peter Drucker

Book: The Effective Executive

Guns Germs And Steel

4. Jared Diamond

Book: Guns, Germs, and Steel

The Commanding Heights

5. Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw

Book: The Commanding Heights

When Prophecy Fails

6. Leon Festinger

Book: When Prophecy Fails

The Human Group

7. George Caspar Homans

Book: The Human Group

Principles Of Behavior

8. Clark Hull

Book: Principles of Behavior: An introduction to Behavior Theory

The Osgood Files

9. Charles Osgood

Book: The Osgood Files and others

Lincoln Biography

10. Several Biographies

Book: Gandhi, Lincoln, Lenin , Karl Marx, Plato, Aristotle and others

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