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2020 Mid-Year Reading Status

2020 Reading List

Starting in 2017, I began challenging myself to read 52 books per year. It was a daunting goal as it increased my reading time tremendously. I had to make changes in my life to make time for reading. It’s been a ton of fun and as part of this project, I closely track my progress so that I know how much I need to read each day to complete all 52 books. For the 3+ years of this project, I have only finished all 52 books in one of the years. Here are my reading stats at the mid-way point of this year:


  • 19/52 books completed
  • 6,523/17,461 pages read (37.36%)
  • on book 20/52 – The Aeneid / Virgil
  • I’ve read classics such as the Bible, Hamlet, Crime & Punishment, and The Great Gatsby
  • average 36 pages read per day


  • 32 books remaining
  • 10,938 pages remaining
  • I will need to average 60 pages per day for the remainder of the year to finish all 52 books on this year’s reading list

I’m 50% into the year and I’ve read 37.36% of the total pages for the 52 books on my 2020 reading list. I’m quite a bit behind if I hope to finish all 52 books. Here are the reasons why:

  1. Book 1, the Bible, took 2 months to read and I averaged 30 pages per day during that time.
  2. In March and April, I got overwhelmed with the news cycle and that cut into my reading time.
  3. My workload increased tremendously beginning in March and running through May. That cut into my reading time.
  4. We are in the process of moving, so paperwork, prep, packing, etc. has and will take some of my time.

However, I am very pleased with the progress. I have a goal of reading 52 books per year, but the most important thing is not to get through a certain number of books, but to comprehend and remember what I read. That takes time, especially for the classics.

This Photo:
I’ve completed the books on the top shelf. I’m reading the Aeneid. The books on the bottom shelf are the 32 still remaining.

Reading Project Status from January 2017 thru Today:

  • 170 books read
  • 56,410 pages read
  • 119 podcast episodes
2020 Reading List
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