Permanent Record

Edward Snowden
Date Started: July 9, 2020
Date Finished: July 12, 2020
10h 28m 2s
Reason Book was Chosen:
I think the surveillance state is one of the greatest threats to our way of life. I don't think most people understand the ramifications of mass data collection and storage. I want to better understand this and learn more about Snowden's story. This seemed to be a good book to check both of those boxes.

My Thoughts

I put this book in the category of important books. It’s one everyone should read. It’s not a juicy gossip book about all of the secrets Snowden uncovered. Rather, it’s a coming of age story where extraordinary life circumstances placed him directly in the path of having to make a crucial decision whether to become a whistleblower or remain silent. We all know the direction he chose, but this book fills in the gaps in the story. It also contains important information you should know about how your information is collected – both the information you put out there and other info you have no idea is being collected and stored. And it contains tips on how to protect yourself and common fallacies people fall for with technology.

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